Using the methods of the Old Malay Traditional Massage resulting from the techniques and practice of Silat martial arts as well as customized and combined with modern spa techniques will provide a unique experience that you'll never forget. A thorough massage of the whole body, nerves, and muscles with the caress of the high-quality aroma of the oil will definitely soothe the body and calm the mind. A variation that is sought and must be tried.
Menggunakan kaedah Urutan Tradisional Melayu Lama yang terhasil daripada teknik dan amalan seni mempertahankan diri iaitu Silat dan digabungkan serta disesuaikan dengan kaedah spa moden akan memberi satu pengalaman unik yang tidak akan anda lupakan. Urutan menyeluruh seluruh badan, urat saraf dan otot dengan belaian aroma minyak yang berkualiti tinggi pastinya akan melegakan badan dan menenangkan minda. Suatu kelainan yang dicari dan wajib dicuba.
The massage is done all over the body including the face and head massage as well as MANHOOD THERAPY, the LAKSAMANA signature
Urutan dilakukan secara menyeluruh keseluruh tubuh badan termasuk urutan muka dan kepala serta Urutan Batin signature LAKSAMANA
Duration | 1 Session | Buy 5 free 1 | Buy 10 free 3 |
90 mins | RM 199 | RM 995 | RM 1,990 |
120 mins | RM 269 | RM 1,345 | RM 2,690 |
150 mins | RM 329 | RM 1,645 | RM 3,290 |
180 mins | RM 379 | RM 1,895 | RM 3,790 |
The massage is performed all over the body including the face and head massage without MANHOOD THERAPY, the LAKSAMANA signature.
Urutan dilakukan secara menyeluruh keseluruh badan termasuk urutan muka dan kepala tanpa Urutan Batin signature LAKSAMANA.
Duration | 1 Session | Buy 5 free 1 | Buy 10 free 3 |
60 mins | RM 139 | RM 695 | RM 1,390 |
90 mins | RM 189 | RM 945 | RM 1,890 |
The routes of blood flow to the private part are checked and the passage clearance by specific massage and other methods is done to ensure better and proper flow. Traditional Herbal oil and Urutan Nadi 10 technique are used in the process. Natural Herbal Supplements will help to gain better results. The massages cover the area from the waist to the toes, front and back of the body including the private parts
Laluan darah ke bahagian alat sulit diperiksa dan dibetulkan dengan menggunakan kaedah urutan tertentu untuk memastikan perjalanan darah lebih lancar dan baik. Minyak ramuan tradisional khas digunakan dan diurut mengguanakan teknik Urutan Nadi 10. Urutan meliputi kawasan dari pinggang hingga ke hujung kaki, depan dan belakang badan termasuk kawasan alat sulit.
Duration | 1 Session | Buy 5 free 1 | Buy 10 free 3 |
60 mins | RM 149 | RM 745 | RM 1,490 |
90 mins | RM 219 | RM 1,095 | RM 2,190 |
We invite you to try this extraordinary relaxing massage. Apart from having a beneficial influence on the long-term improvement of blood circulation, it also releases pain, sustains muscles, and fights cellulite. This therapeutic technique has a beneficial impact on the whole organism and provides it with positive energy.
Kami menjemput anda untuk mencuba urutan santai yang luar biasa ini. Selain daripada mempunyai pengaruh yang bermanfaat jangka panjang pada melancarkan peredaran darah, ia juga melegakan kesakitan, mengendurkan otot dan melawan selulit. Teknik terapeutik ini mempunyai kesan yang sangat baik terhadap keseluruhan tubuh dan memberikannya tenaga positif kepada anda.
Duration | 1 Session | Buy 5 free 1 | Buy 10 free 3 |
60 mins | RM 119 | RM 595 | RM 1,190 |
90 mins | RM 169 | RM 845 | RM 1,690 |
120 mins | RM 209 | RM 1,045 | RM 2,090 |